Community is at our Core
At BRR Architecture, community service is a pillar of our firm’s culture. Our teams recognize that the work we do outside the office is just as significant as the work we do for our clients. We believe in taking care of the communities where we live and work. Each BRR teammate is granted paid community service hours to volunteer each year.
Every year, our teams serve philanthropic organizations across the country. At BRR, we commit to contributing to organizations whose mission is to serve the community and make a positive impact in the lives of those who need it most.
We support all these organizations (plus a few more):
BRR Celebrates a National Day of Service
On September 13, 2023, BRR closed our offices for a few hours for a National Day of Service. Teammates volunteered at animal shelters, community food banks, city missions, schools, community centers and parks. From packing food to building furniture and gardening, our goal was to create a meaningful impact on our communities across the country.
Serving Our Communities
One Meal at a Time
BRR’s food bank volunteer efforts exemplify our teammate’s commitment to focusing on fighting food insecurity. BRR has worked alongside the North Texas Food Bank, Harvesters, MANNA and the Central Texas Food Bank, to name a few. Through hours of volunteer work, our teammates have packed lunches, served meals and more in an effort to support these causes mission to combat food insecurity in their communities.
We Boost the Pipeline of Architecture
For architecture to continue to grow and be innovative, it’s vital to secure the pipeline for the architecture industry. At BRR, we believe in supporting, teaching and sharing knowledge not only with our teammates but with the future generation of architects.
For several years, we’ve given our time and talents to support hundreds of architecture students on their career paths. BRR Architecture continues to fund collegiate scholarships, including the BRR Future Professional Scholarship, which is awarded once every year to a promising and outstanding intern at BRR.
Our firm also is a national sponsor of the ACE Mentor Program, which is designed for students seeking careers in architecture, engineering and construction.
BRR has supported each of these universities in a variety of ways, including scholarships:
The BRR Future Professional Scholarship
As part of BRR’s continued passion to advance the architecture pipeline our firm created the BRR Future Professional Scholarship, which recognizes an architectural intern who goes above and beyond to support our clients and projects.

Our Continued Impact
BRR’s legacy is not only measured by the projects we complete for our clients, but by the enduring impact we have on the communities where we live and work. Our people are our greatest resource, and we strive to continue to create community, both inside and outside our firm.